The tongue split, or snake tongue, is probably the most popular of the heavy modifications today. It is relatively safe, fast, heals well and is not visible at first glance. We even know that some dentists did not notice during the treatment that their patient had a cut tongue. They just thought they had a more pronounced tongue furrow.
In Hell, modifier Shemon deals with the spliting of tongues. In addition to eight years of experience with tongue splits, he also completed tongue splitting training under the guidance of the world's leading modifier Samppa von Cyborg.
Shemon answers the most common questions about tongue splits
1. How does a tongue split work?
A split consists of cutting the tongue along the middle furrow, and the cuts are stitched together to form a jagged tongue similar to those of reptiles. That's why this modification is sometimes called snake tongue.
The first tongue split was performed in 1997 by dentist Lawrence Busino. The first owners of split tongues are Erik Sprague, better known as Lizardman, and Shannon Larratt, the founder of BMEzine.
2. How long does it take to perform a split?
The procedure itself takes about twenty minutes. As with any heavy modification in Hell, the split is preceded by a consultation where Shemon explain the risks and how to care for it.
3. How old do I need to be to get a split?
Because it is an irreversible modification, you have to be at least 21.
4. How long does the tongue split take to heal?
Basic tissue healing takes about a week. During this time, it is necessary to carefully follow the rest regimen, and get plenty of bed rest. After three weeks, the split is completely healed.
5. When can I eat normally after a split?
Solid food can be eaten after seven days. A week immediately after the procedure, count on following a mashy diet.
6. Jak hluboký může split být?
To je individuální, obecně se ale dá říci, že čím je jazyk delší, tím může být split hlubší.
7. Can it happen that the tongue will grow back together?
Each split of the tongue grows back slightly, but with properly observed aftercare, the amount of fused tissue can be reduced to a minimum.
8. Will I lose my appetite? Will my perception change?
The cutting and sewing during the split will only hit a minimum of taste buds, which will not affect taste sensations. Some "splitters" claim to feel the sweet taste more, which is probably due to the fact that with a jagged tongue they move the food down their throats in a different way. However, this did not happen to any of Shemon's customers.
9. Won't I lisp then?
There is a risk of developing a lisp. Therefore, it is really important to carefully follow the aftercare procedure. Within three months of the procedure, the modified usually speaks without problems. In rare cases, pronouncing some sounds can cause problems for up to half a year.
10. What is kissing and oral sex like with a tongue split?
In this area, the tongue split does not bring limitations. On the contrary. An unusually shaped tongue means new possibilities and new sensations. And since it is clear that two tongues are more than one, it will bring new sensations to their counterpart. In short, it can be felt and it's different.
11. Will I be able to move each half of my tongue independently?
Yes. Everybody learns this, it just takes practice. Interestingly, just as we have one dominant hand, we also have one dominant half of the tongue. We can then control it better than the other.
12. What is a tongue split good for?
Classic question under the photos of splits on social networks. The motivation for a tongue split is usually aesthetic. Sometimes complemented by curiosity about new functions of the tongue (see question 10).
It's worth mentioning that most split owners feel that having a jagged tongue is more natural to them than when they had the tongue as a whole. Supposedly, it is similar to when you take off your mittens after a long time and spread your fingers.
13. Can the tongue be stitched together again if I don't want the split anymore?
A tongue split should be taken as an irreversible modification. Although there are isolated cases of re-stitching, it is a significantly more dangerous and complicated procedure than its division. Re-stitching will significantly shorten the tongue, affect the overall shape and perception of taste.