Try the ritual at the Hell suspension workshop for yourself
Suspension - or hanging on hooks - has its origins in the ancient history of mankind. Hook hanging is different in every culture: a rite of passage, meditation, a way to achieve an altered state of consciousness, overcoming fears, a libation to the gods, a tool to get to know oneself better. The most famous rituals with hooks are those of the Indian tribes in North America, which are called Sun Dance or Okipa. In India, there is the Charak Puja festival, as an example.
The way we practice hook hanging in our country is based on the traditions of modern primitivism. We focus more on the experience of the suspension itself than on its spiritual dimension. Suspension is also an integral part of the Hell Party.
8. června 2024 outdoor workshop
Outdoor workshop
– cena: 2000 Kč, výtěžek věnujeme zvířecím útulkům
– od 11.00 do 17.00
20. července 2024 outdoor workshop
Outdoor workshop
– cena: 2000 Kč, výtěžek věnujeme zvířecím útulkům
– od 11.00 do 17.00
Workshop je plný. Hlásit se můžete jenom jako náhradníci.
31. srpna 2024 outdoor workshop
Outdoor workshop
– cena: 2000 Kč, výtěžek věnujeme zvířecím útulkům
– od 11.00 do 17.00
Termín je obsazený, hlásit se můžete jenom jako náhradníci.
Tattoo and piercing studio was established in Holešovice in 2004. By approaching body modification in its own way, it quickly became a legend. In addition to tattoos and piercings, we also perform heavy body modifications, we do suspension and organize Hell Party.