We can say firmly that Míla Bugtcher is a specialist of the nether regions. He is an expert in both female and male genital piercings and further he is the only one in our country to perform a modification called beading, which he has been doing for almost twenty years. "I have sewn an estimated two thousand implants into hundreds of penises," Míla summarizes his experience.

Beading, pearls of yakuza, chatons

Beading are silicone implants in the shape of balls or half balls placed under the skin of the penis. The name comes from the English bead. Another name for beading is the pearls of the yakuza, which is based on the custom when members of this Japanese organization, who spent some time in prison, had real pearls sewn under the skin of the penis. For every year behind bars, one.

V českém prostředí se ujala podobná praktika s umisťováním kuliček na úd, známá pod názvem šatony. Tyto kuličky, vyráběné ze spečených štětin zubních kartáčků, a často zoufalá hygienická úroveň celého zákroku ovšem často vedou k závažným zdravotním komplikacím.

Beading in Hell

Don't expect prison chatons in Hell. When beading, which belongs to body modification practices, the modifier Míla Bugtcher works with silicone implants certified for medical use and, of course, he has the appropriate sterile equipment and workplace, plus two decades of experience and expertise.

How to get a beading appointment

For a beading, make an appointment with Míla Bugtcher, a specialist in this practice, by e-mail me@hell.cz. Míla Bugtcher will be happy to answer any other questions about beading, penis implants that are also known as yakuza pearls or chatons.

Prices of beading can be found in our price list

Price of a beading

13 questions about beading (aka chatons and yakuza pearls) that you were ashamed to ask

1. How exactly does beading work?

The principle is simple. The skin on the penis is cut, a pocket is formed in the subcutaneous tissue into which a silicone implant is inserted and the incision is sutured with several stitches. The implant is then fixed in place for a week with a bandage. It is important to avoid veins, which are abundant on the penis, during the procedure.

Je možné vybrat si ze dvou forem beadingu. První je klasický beading, kdy se používají jednotlivé kuličky. Druhá varianta jsou beadingové konstrukce, kdy zákazníkovi na míru vytvořím konstrukci z řady spojených kuliček, tak aby kopírovala tvar jeho penisu. Jednoduše řečeno tak vznikne nový „ráfek“.

2. How long does it take to implant beadings into the penis?

I leave an hour and a half for a session with a customer so that we have enough time for consultation and preparation. The procedure itself then takes only a few minutes, from the moment I cut the skin to the moment I sew it again. In the case of beading constructions, which I create in advance to measure, a longer time is needed, but even here we are around ten minutes.

3. How big are the implants used in beading?

As a standard, I use balls with sizes of 6-9 mm. For an interesting aesthetic effect, it is possible to combine even balls of several sizes. In places where it is not possible to place standard sizes, I also use smaller implants with a size of 4mm and less.

4. Beading is an aesthetic or functional modification?

Beading is both. It is primarily a functional modification that also has an aesthetic effect. With beading implants in the penis, however, it is not possible to work as precisely as with aesthetic implants on the rest of the body. Thanks to a different type of subcutaneous ligament, implants can travel slightly on the penis, as the body constantly slightly changes its position. A certain free room is important for erection and sex. With structures, the situation is different, there it is possible to define the location more precisely, but even so, small travel can not be avoided.

5. What is the sex like as the partner?

The feeling for the sexual partner can range from "I almost don't feel it", through "great" to "unpleasant and painful".

The perception for the sexual partners varies according to the type and size of beading implants and also according to how the beading is handled by its wearer. Therefore, I will discuss with the customer his sexual preferences and habits at the very beginning and then we will choose the type of implant to suit his needs. The feeling of a sexual partner can range from "I almost don't feel it", through "bomb" to "unpleasant and painful".

6. What is sex like for the wearer? Do they feel any change?

Of course, beading is also felt by the wearer, but differently than by his sexual counterpart. The wearer perceives pressure or tension in the place where the implants cause increased friction.

7. Is it true that beading equals penis enlargement?

It is not about lengthening the penis, but about enlarging the penis in terms of volume. Penis enlargement alone would not have such an effect as the appropriate placement of the balls. I place the balls strategically in the places that are most exposed during sex. The principle is not to stuff as many balls as possible inside, but to use places where a few balls will have the greatest effect.

"I have sewn an estimated two thousand implants into hundreds of penises," Míla summarizes his experience.

8. How long does beading heal?

První fáze hojení kuliček v penisu trvá týden. V této fázi dochází k otokům a v prvních dnech doporučuji klid (kancelářské práce jsou ok, běhání po lešení méně). Penis je v prvních dnech zabandážován a je vhodné místo chladit. Hojení sice nebolí, ale může být omezující a nepříjemné.
Druhá fáze trvá asi dva měsíce, kdy implantát obroste podkožním vazivem. Bandáž se sundá a nositele týká už jen omezení v sexu.

9. How long do I have to wait to have sex again?

This is the first question everyone asks. Steve Haworth, the pioneer of modern beading, recommends two months without sex and masturbation. However, I consider total sexual abstinence for two months to be unrealistic. I always mention this figure, but at the same time I try to advise how not to damage beading during masturbation and minimize movement. However, I really recommend skipping penetration for two months.

10. Can I use a condom with the beading?

Yes, beading is all under the skin and therefore does not damage the condom in any way.

11. Is beading done when conscious or can anesthesia be used?

Although beading is quite a painless affair, I use a numbing ointment where I cut through the skin. I always use it. Unlike piercings, I do not take beading as a ritual but rather as a plastic surgery. Therefore, I do not oppose numbness in beading, on the contrary, I recommend it.

12. What type of men get beading done? Isn't this a modification just for criminals? In the prison environment, the modification is known as chatons or pearls of yakuza.

I did beading to guys really from all over the place Some of my customers may have been in prison, but they are a minority. I did penis implants for guards, police officers, craftsmen, entrepreneurs, clerks, teachers and managers. Usually these are people on whom it is not recognizable at first glance. Their motivation is mainly to enjoy sex.

13. How long can implants be left in the body? Can they be removed, perhaps at the request of a partner?

For beading I use exclusively medical grade silicone, i.e. medical silicone certified for use in medicine. So it is possible to leave it in the body indefinitely. Still, it is relatively easy to remove the implants. It is enough to make a small incision and push the implant out.

How to get a beading appointment

For a beading, make an appointment with Míla Bugtcher, a specialist in this practice, by e-mail me@hell.cz. Míla Bugtcher will be happy to answer any other questions about beading, penis implants that are also known as yakuza pearls or chatons.

Prices of beading can be found in our price list

Price of a beading