Weekend piercing emergency in Hell
Sometimes piercings begin to get terribly naughty. Like a monster - and it's a weekend, all studios are closed. But you really can't stand it. We will not leave you alone! We have established a weekend piercing alert for you at 702 116 628.
The way it works is that during the weekend, one of our piercers and piercers has an "emergency picket". If you have a problem, call our Hell emergency line 702 116 628, and we will arrange a personal treatment in Hell as soon as possible. If you have a piercing from us, you do not pay anything at all. Because piercing for us does not end with a puncture, but with the complete healing and your satisfaction.
Víkendová Hell emergency linka: +420 702 116 628
- linka funguje v sobotu a neděli od 11.00 do 20.00 (pokud je všední den, volejte recepci 775 353 696)
- the line serves only for solving acute problems
- call only, the line does not receive SMS
- the emergency line is not used for ordering piercings, you can make an appointment at the reception 775 353 696 during the opening hours of the studio
- after the call, we will arrange a personal treatment in Hell with you as soon as possible
- if you have a Hell piercing, the treatment is free